New Background
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Bad Bad Bad News Just Came To Me...
Well.. I am just absolutely crushed and crying right now. One of my very very good friends who I care deeply about just called me and gave me some very bad news. He told me that he has cancer. I started to cry and I just cannot believe it. He is just an amazing man and we are just such good friends. Literally I am in shock and while on the phone with him and I am crying my eyes out he is being so strong. Where he gets this, I just don't know. This is his second time having cancer and I am SO scared for him. Please keep Vic in your prayers and thoughts. My dad passed away from cancer at the age of 49 years old. Vic is a giver like I am and he is always giving to everyone else despite feeling so badly. Girls, I am so worried for him. I don't know what to do. If anything happened to him I would die...just die!! So when I hear "I have cancer" I feel literally sick to my stomach and it is not a good reaction that I feel because of my dad. But, I just wanted to share this with you all. I know my last post was not so happy and this post is not so happy and I am just so worried for my friends right now. Why this is happening to such amazing people is so confusing to me. My counselor told me to read this book called "Why Bad Things Happen To Good People" and I am going to go download it to my Nook Color right now. I need to see things from another perspective. I am sorry for such sad posts from me over these past 2 days but please keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers!! Thanks girls.. I will talk to you all very soon!! ~Terri
Prayers And Well Wished Needed!!!.......
Just a few days ago I got some really really bad news from one of my best friends that I went to high school with. Her friend Sheila was in a terrible car accident and had to be put on life support. Unfortunately there was very little chance for her to make it as she had major head trauma among other severe injuries. She was taken off of life support and passed away yesterday a little after 4 pm. My friend Dawnetta is literally crushed and in complete disbelief! She is unable to afford to travel here to Ohio from Kentucky where she lives to go to her funeral. Actually Shelia's service was earlier today. If you could all please pray for Dawnetta and Sheila's family I would really appreciate it. This is just so tragic and very very sad. We are all in shock and in denial that this actually happened. We were really hoping that Shelia would pull through this but her inuries were so bad that there was no hope.
Dawnetta LOVES to get cards. Both of Dawnetta's parents passed away when she was younger. I think Dawnetta was around 6 years old when her mom passed away. So she has been on her own for a very long time. Dawnetta expressed to me tonight that the only family members besides her children that she feels like she really has is me. For those of you who have time and could make one of your beautiful cards for Dawnetta?? I would really really appreciate it. Even a card that you already made would be perfect. She does not get mail very often except for the mail and packages that I send to her. Today Dawnetta actually received a package that I sent to her earlier this week. Included in the package was a beautiful bracelet that I got for her that will hopefully will help Dawnetta remember Sheila and will help Dawnetta feel that Sheila will always be with her. Dawnetta called me today letting me know that she got my package and told me that she cried when reading the letter that I wrote to her and was so appreciative of the bracelet that I sent to her.
I know she would feel the exact same way receiving a beautiful card from all of my wonderful, caring and loving followers and blog readers. If you could send her a little card to help lift Dawnetta's spirits....the impact that you would make on someone who is so sad and seriously grieving right now from the loss of her good friend would be really amazing!!! It is really amazing what a little card can do to someone who is going through something this tragic and how it can lift their spirits.
It makes me feel so bad that she literally has no family besides her kids. If you are interested in making or mailing her a card could you leave me a comment with your email address and I will email you her address right away? I realize lately that I have asked you all to do so much for me but this is not about me...this is about Dawnetta and Sheila! After you lose someone that you really love and care for it really helps knowing that others are thinking about you, praying for you and my sweet Dawnetta really needs to see that there are people out in our big world who really care about others and that she has alot of people who care about her. I know that Dawnetta will cherish each and every one of these cards forever and these cards will mean so much to her. If you cannot do is completely ok. I understand and no explaination is needed. Thank you for being so wonderful to me and being SO supportive to me. Every single one of you just amaze me!! Never in my life have I seen so many people with such huge gigantic loving hearts like yours!!
Before I go, I wanted to take the chance to really thank ALL of you who have gone over to Pendra's blog and followed her. She is such a sweetheart and once you get to know her you will see how amazing she is. I have the best followers in the whole blogging world!! Pendra is just stunned at how many of you took the time to hop on over to her blog and follow her. She really appreciates it and my gosh, I really appreciate it SO SO much as well. Thank you ALL... Thank you all SO much!! You all have the BIGGEST and sweetest hearts and I am just stunned at your kindness. Thank you so much!! Many hugs to you all!! ~Terri
Dawnetta LOVES to get cards. Both of Dawnetta's parents passed away when she was younger. I think Dawnetta was around 6 years old when her mom passed away. So she has been on her own for a very long time. Dawnetta expressed to me tonight that the only family members besides her children that she feels like she really has is me. For those of you who have time and could make one of your beautiful cards for Dawnetta?? I would really really appreciate it. Even a card that you already made would be perfect. She does not get mail very often except for the mail and packages that I send to her. Today Dawnetta actually received a package that I sent to her earlier this week. Included in the package was a beautiful bracelet that I got for her that will hopefully will help Dawnetta remember Sheila and will help Dawnetta feel that Sheila will always be with her. Dawnetta called me today letting me know that she got my package and told me that she cried when reading the letter that I wrote to her and was so appreciative of the bracelet that I sent to her.
I know she would feel the exact same way receiving a beautiful card from all of my wonderful, caring and loving followers and blog readers. If you could send her a little card to help lift Dawnetta's spirits....the impact that you would make on someone who is so sad and seriously grieving right now from the loss of her good friend would be really amazing!!! It is really amazing what a little card can do to someone who is going through something this tragic and how it can lift their spirits.
It makes me feel so bad that she literally has no family besides her kids. If you are interested in making or mailing her a card could you leave me a comment with your email address and I will email you her address right away? I realize lately that I have asked you all to do so much for me but this is not about me...this is about Dawnetta and Sheila! After you lose someone that you really love and care for it really helps knowing that others are thinking about you, praying for you and my sweet Dawnetta really needs to see that there are people out in our big world who really care about others and that she has alot of people who care about her. I know that Dawnetta will cherish each and every one of these cards forever and these cards will mean so much to her. If you cannot do is completely ok. I understand and no explaination is needed. Thank you for being so wonderful to me and being SO supportive to me. Every single one of you just amaze me!! Never in my life have I seen so many people with such huge gigantic loving hearts like yours!!
Before I go, I wanted to take the chance to really thank ALL of you who have gone over to Pendra's blog and followed her. She is such a sweetheart and once you get to know her you will see how amazing she is. I have the best followers in the whole blogging world!! Pendra is just stunned at how many of you took the time to hop on over to her blog and follow her. She really appreciates it and my gosh, I really appreciate it SO SO much as well. Thank you ALL... Thank you all SO much!! You all have the BIGGEST and sweetest hearts and I am just stunned at your kindness. Thank you so much!! Many hugs to you all!! ~Terri
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Aww....Look At How Sweet This Is...
Today I received the SWEETEST little gift by the sweetest and one of my most favorite blogging friends that I have. As you all saw that I received a few blogger awards and I passed both of these awards to Pendra at Pendra's Place. So as a thank you to me she did the most sweetest, amazing and just loving blog post on her blog about me. Thank you so much Pendra!!!! I told her that one of my most favorite things about blogging has been finding the most amazing friends. When I first started blogging I really did it just to share my cards and other items that I made. Never did I think that I would become so close to so many other people like I have. Penra does not have very many followes and she just DESERVES to have as many followers as blogger will allow. I would love it if you all would show some major blogger love and hop on over to Penra's Place and follow her. Thank you Pendra for being such a good friend to me, for always making me smile and always being one of the first friends to leave me a comment. I just have to add that her comments are always the sweetest and most loving comments too. I really appreciate you and I want others to see what I see and appreciate you as much as I do!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day today and please hop on over to see Pendra and show her some love. That would mean so much to not only me but Pendra herself. Trust me when I say that you will make a new friend when you follow Pendra. Blogging is not only just about cards, crafts and cricut's, it is also about making new friends and building new relationships that will last much longer then any card will. Thanks so much in advance and I will talk to you all really soon!! ~Terri
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Jen's Digi Stamps Contest...
Today on facebook I got invited to Jen's Digi Stamps BIGGEST giveaway yet. This is what she says about her biggest giveaway to date...
Ok here it is.....I am giving away a $100.00 gift certificate to my store as the grand prize and I am giving a $25.00 giftcertificate to the runner up. What do you have to do? Well its very easy whoever gets my the most orders will win! its that easy! Please make sure they tell me you sent them when they place the order. They can put it in the notes section at checkout!! OK Good luck!!
So for those who LOVE digi stamps and if you order from her could you let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you? Thanks so much and go take a peek and see if there is anything that you might want or need to have. I know that is what I am going to do. Thanks everyone!! ~Terri
Please Help Me Win...
Cricut Magazine Referral Contest -- FREE Imagine, Expression, Gypsy & More!! Only 1000 more to go!
For those of you who are not aware that Cricut is having a Cricut Magazine Referral Contest. You can get a free Imagine, Expression, Gypsy and More! Please follow this link here and let them know that Two Pink Peas sent you. For those who do this I will count this as an extra entry for when I post my new giveaway for the other Cinch that I have and the other goodies that I am going to add to it. Please come back and leave me a comment here letting me know that you let them know that Two Pink Peas sent you and I will keep a record for when I post my giveaway there by giving you an extra entry!! Thanks so much everyone!! ~Terri
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Announcing The Winner Of My Blog Candy...
First I want to thank each and every one of you who entered in this giveaway! This was my biggest giveaway to date and I never had this many people enter and this many people leave this amount of comments! So thank you for taking the time to enter and I have some news after I announce the name of the winner.
Ok.. here we go.. after alot of time and calculating the comments and everything that goes along with that the winner of this kit is..... Mia K!!
Congratulations Mia!! I emailed you already so you have 7 days to respond or I will have to pick a new winner.
I am very exicted for you!
Ok.. while I was out this weekend I found ANOTHER Cinch for $25.00 and so I bought it. So I am putting another giveaway together for those who did not win this kit this time. How exciting is that? I could NOT believe that I found one that cheap and I could not pass it up. All I thought about was all of you who did not win and that I could give another one of these away. So I will post a new giveaway for another Cinch and will make a new kit soon. That was a great find!!
Well, it is 11:19 pm and my kids and neice are bugging me for food so I have to go make them something to eat. Yes, they are still up and they are driving me NUTS right They are running around, playing and making alot of noise!!
I will talk to you all soon!!!! ~Terri
I Feel The Love...
Thank You Jessica from Jessica's Craft Shaque
Thank You to Suzy of Suzy's Simple Crafts
Boy do I ever feel the love today!! I was just surprised to receive these 2 adorable awards from 2 amazing ladies!!
I want to thank Jessica for thinking of me for the BFB or Best Friends Blogger Award!! How very very sweet of you to think of me for this award. This is my first time receiving this award and it means so much to me. Thank you for being such a great friend to me!! If you have not been to Jessica's blog yet, please hop on over. I think you will find how amazing creative she is and you will definetly want to follow her as well!!
Thank you to Suzy for the Stinkin' Cute Blog Award!
I mean, how cute is this award? It really means alot to me that you wonderfully sweet ladies thought of little ole' me for these awards. I really appreciate it and will display these on my blog proudly!! Many hugs to you both!! Please hop on over to Suzy's blog and follow her if you do not already. She is also very very talented and creative. If you could leave them both a comment that Two Pink Peas sent you I would be forever grateful!!
Here are the rules for the BFB Award:
1.Post this award on your blog and a link back to the person who gave it to you.
1.Post this award on your blog and a link back to the person who gave it to you.
ThanksJessica and Suzy
2.Pass along to those you visit and those who leave comments on your blog regularly.
I am passing this BFB Award and the Stinkin' Cute Award to the following blogs...
Linda at
Melissa at
Stacy at
Pendra at
Carrie K at
I could go on and on passing these awards to all of you. Each and every one of my blog readers and followers are very dear to me and if I could I would pass them on to every one of you. You know what? Actually.. that is what I am going to do!! Since I am feeling so much love I am going to pass the love back to you all!! Every single one of my blog readers and followers is awarded these 2 blog awards. I know this is probably breaking the rules but since I appreciate each and every single one of you as much as I do, I want to give these to you ALL!! We all deserve these awards, right? That's right!! Hey, maybe I could be in the Guinness World Book Of Records for being the first blogger to award the entire blogging world these blog awards..LOL. Just being silly!! Ok.. I am going to go post the winner of my giveaway. You all have been SO patient and let's see who won. Be right back!! ~Terri
Monday, July 11, 2011
Casey Found A $50.00 Bill On The Ground...
First I am SO bummed to say that I have NO pictures to show you and I will explain why that is in a second. Casey stayed a few nights at his papa's house and they went to a flea market. Casey was walking around looking at everything and happened to looked down and sitting right there on the ground was a $50.00 dollar bill. He tried to find who this money belonged to and he could not get anyone to claim that they lost it. I was actually really pleasantly surprised that everyone that they asked was very honest and did not lie and say "oh yes, that is my money" and I LOVE that. So Casey got to keep it. He was SO excited as anyone would be finding that much money. I know what I would have done with it..bought some craft supplies..LOL.. Like I really need one more thing!!
Today, I had taken a ton of pictures of him holding his money and pictures of the $50 dollar bill itself and then some random pictures of the day we spent together. When we got home I inserted my memory card into my computer to download them... well the pictures started downloading, and all of a sudden there were NO pictures. I had close to 200 hundred pictures and they are all gone. I am really bummed. I don't know what happened. So I put the memory card back into my camera because I wanted to see if I could see them on my camera but my camera prompted me with an error saying that I needed to format my memory card. I happen to know that when you format your memory card every thing gets erased so I did not allow it to format. Right now, I am still working on this memory card to see if hopefully I can recover these pictures but it is not looking good. But I wanted to at least share the news of Casey finding that money. Pretty amazing!!
I asked Casey what he wanted to buy with his money and I suggested that we open a savings account and that he should just hold on to it. I told Casey that Hallie has a savings account and he would be very smart to open one for himself and save his money and add to it and when he really wants something he will be able to buy it and not just buy anything just because he has the money and he can't wait. Well, he acted like this money was burning a hole in his pocket..LOL. You know, like kids usually act when they get So today I took him to Target and then we went to the Hobby Store. He really wanted a remote control helicopter and was very excited because his papa has one and that is what he wanted. No talking him into anything else...this helicopter was it!! Of course I had to chip in about $25.00 because these little boogers (meaning remote control helicopters) are SO expensive. Since Casey is a really good boy I was happy to help him get what he wanted and plus he really deserves it. I just wish that I had my pictures to show you. Such a bummer.
This has never happened to me before. I always format my memory card before I put it into one of my digital cameras and actually this memory card was formatted it this morning. So it is a
Well.. I am signing off for now. I am literally pooped. We have been so busy lately and plus my one of my best friends who I went to high school with called me last night letting me know that one of her good friends got into a very bad car accident and she was on life support for many days. I am not sure how many days exactly. But they pulled the plug last night and we are just waiting to see if she can make it on her own or if she is going to pass . It does not look good as she had severe brain trauma. Such a shame and my friend is so very upset and sad. I feel so terrible for her and wish there was something I could do to help them both.
Well, I need to rest and I will talk to you soon. I am planning on announcing with winner of the Cinch kit tomorrow sometime. Not sure what time but it is my plan to let you all know who won. Good luck everyone and I will talk to you very soon! Hugs ~Terri
Today, I had taken a ton of pictures of him holding his money and pictures of the $50 dollar bill itself and then some random pictures of the day we spent together. When we got home I inserted my memory card into my computer to download them... well the pictures started downloading, and all of a sudden there were NO pictures. I had close to 200 hundred pictures and they are all gone. I am really bummed. I don't know what happened. So I put the memory card back into my camera because I wanted to see if I could see them on my camera but my camera prompted me with an error saying that I needed to format my memory card. I happen to know that when you format your memory card every thing gets erased so I did not allow it to format. Right now, I am still working on this memory card to see if hopefully I can recover these pictures but it is not looking good. But I wanted to at least share the news of Casey finding that money. Pretty amazing!!
I asked Casey what he wanted to buy with his money and I suggested that we open a savings account and that he should just hold on to it. I told Casey that Hallie has a savings account and he would be very smart to open one for himself and save his money and add to it and when he really wants something he will be able to buy it and not just buy anything just because he has the money and he can't wait. Well, he acted like this money was burning a hole in his pocket..LOL. You know, like kids usually act when they get So today I took him to Target and then we went to the Hobby Store. He really wanted a remote control helicopter and was very excited because his papa has one and that is what he wanted. No talking him into anything else...this helicopter was it!! Of course I had to chip in about $25.00 because these little boogers (meaning remote control helicopters) are SO expensive. Since Casey is a really good boy I was happy to help him get what he wanted and plus he really deserves it. I just wish that I had my pictures to show you. Such a bummer.
This has never happened to me before. I always format my memory card before I put it into one of my digital cameras and actually this memory card was formatted it this morning. So it is a
Well.. I am signing off for now. I am literally pooped. We have been so busy lately and plus my one of my best friends who I went to high school with called me last night letting me know that one of her good friends got into a very bad car accident and she was on life support for many days. I am not sure how many days exactly. But they pulled the plug last night and we are just waiting to see if she can make it on her own or if she is going to pass . It does not look good as she had severe brain trauma. Such a shame and my friend is so very upset and sad. I feel so terrible for her and wish there was something I could do to help them both.
Well, I need to rest and I will talk to you soon. I am planning on announcing with winner of the Cinch kit tomorrow sometime. Not sure what time but it is my plan to let you all know who won. Good luck everyone and I will talk to you very soon! Hugs ~Terri
I Won Blog Candy From Ok Scrappin Mama...Can't Believe!!! It WOW!!!
Well, I just got home and I was checking blogger and every blog that I follow like I usually do and I went to
Ok Scrappin Mama and I was reading her post about the winners and I am one of her winners. I could NOT believe it. There were 4 winners and I was number 3 and the funny thing is that 3 is my favorite how funny is that?
I want to thank Donya at Ok Scrappin Mama for picking me as one of the winners. This is what I won...

Ok Scrappin Mama and I was reading her post about the winners and I am one of her winners. I could NOT believe it. There were 4 winners and I was number 3 and the funny thing is that 3 is my favorite how funny is that?
I want to thank Donya at Ok Scrappin Mama for picking me as one of the winners. This is what I won...
- The third winner is for (2) 4x6 DCWV paper pads, 2 Sakura white jelly roll pens, MS 36 yds red & white twine and approx 10 yds orange/black Halloween twine, 1 package 9 clear "sayings" stamps from inkadinkado.
- Two Pink Peas said...
- This is my second entry because I really hope to win one of your giveaways. They are all amazing!! Terri M of Two Pink Peas
- I still cannot believe it! Please take a chance to hop over to her blog and show some blogger love, leave her a comment and let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. I really really LOVE to give but I have to admit that it is fun to receive. Usually I am much much better at giving then receiving but with my winning streak lately I am getting used to it. I would also recommend that you follower her blog if you do not follow her now. She has so many wonderful things and giveaways and I think you will find that you will absolutely love her blog. Thanks so much and I am off to post something about Casey! I can't believe what he found and you might be shocked yourself. ~Terri
Sunday, July 10, 2011
A Jar For You...A Jar For Me...
This is the finished jar above...
I started with this simple jar that I got at Target, I picked the smallest size.
Here are most of the items that I put in the jar. I forgot to add the string in this picture for the beads.
A side picture of the jar.. you see the glitter glue sticks..they were all nice and neat and standing up straight but they tipped
The other side of the jar showing the beads, rubber stamp
and an ink pad!
Finally a close up picture of the lid of the jar. You don't see the tags that I attached to each jar with the names of the girls.
Here is the story of this jar and why I made it....
Fabi over at Mrs Sassy Crafter was so very sweet and she asked if she could feature me on her website. How amazingly flattering and sweet is that? Fabi is such a sweetheart and I could not ever say no so I immediately said yes, of course!!
We have been really busy lately with our house and some other things and I have not had time to really sit down and be creative.
Hallie wants to have a crafting party so I created some little craft jars. These are for her and her friends when they come over to our house. They will have a little adorable craft jar with their own craft supplies to use and then they will be able to take
it home when they are all done.
This was an easy peasy project.
We put a few things in each of the jars
and this is what we added...
2 Rubber Stamps that all say "Hello" and "Thanks"
1 Ink Pad
6 Glitter Glue Sticks
Beads To Make Necklaces or Bracelets
String For The Necklaces and Bracelets
2 Sheets of Bling
I will give them paper and some other items to use when they are here. But this is like a little gift that they can take home and they will be able to use the jar for something else when
they want to. I love giving little gifts that can be taken home!
For the lid Hallie and Erin picked out the paper that they liked
and I traced a circle big enough to cover the lid generously
and then I cut it out with scissors..No Cricut or Gypsy was used here. Again, simple simple and so simple!
I took some white ribbon and tied it around the paper and tied a knot to keep the paper in place. Over the white ribbon I used pink ribbon with white polka dots and made a bow.
I bought these adorable flowers that had little clips on them and I just clipped the flower in the middle of the ribbon to jazz it up a bit. They could probably use the flower and clip it in their hair if they wanted to. The flower was a 2 pack that I got at Walmart.
I used scissors to curl the white ribbon and that is it.
I do have tags with their names on it but I was in such a hurry to get this over to Fabi that I did not take a picture with the cute Martha Stewart tags that I used and attached to the jar under the ribbons. Oh well, you all get the idea. Sorry about that!
This project was so very simple and I know that the girls will really LOVE them. You can also make a "beauty or makeup jar" and add little makeup's, finger nail polish, lip gloss and any other items that you can think of. How fun would that be to let your daughter have a little make up party and give each guest a little jar filled with make up, finger nail polish and so on?
The girls would go nuts. All little girls love makeup!!
This is just a simple thing to make that will really mean alot
to those who will receive them.
Think of all of the ideas you can do for boys too!!
The ideas you can come up with these jars are limitless really.
Please hop on over to Fabi's website here and check out her blog if you have not already. Really it was so flattering to be asked to be featured on someone else's blog.
Thank you so much Fabi for thinking of me
and I hope that this little
It has been so difficult to craft and create since we have
been so busy. Next time that Fabi wants me to show a project of mine I will make sure to make plenty of time and I will be
able to make something more elaborate!
Many many hugs to you all!
Hopefully you are all enjoying your Sunday.
Tuesday I should be able to announce the winner of the Cinch kit giveaway. Good luck everyone and I will talk to you very soon!
Please go check out Fabi's website at
While you are there if you could be so kind and
While you are there if you could be so kind and
leave her a comment letting her know that Two Pink Peas
sent you. I appreciate each and every one of my blog followers and readers. So thank you for taking time to visit me today! I have the best followers in the whole blog world...but I think I might had said that Thanks so much... ~Terri
P.S. I wanted to also take a quick second to thank ALL of you who went over to Felicia's blog at and left her a comment letting her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. You all are really so sweet and I appreciate it so much!! Good luck in that blog candy giveaway too. If you have not heard of this giveaway scroll down and you will find all of the details about her 7 days of blog candy give away. ~Terriproject is ok.
7 Days & 7 Chances To Win For Reaching 100+ Followers Over At...
Congratulations to Felicia at Scrapper In The Making for reaching over 100 followers. What an amazing goal to reach!! She is having a 7 day blog candy giveaway starting today. The goal is to have your followers hop on over and leave a comment that Two Pink Peas sent you and the person who has the most referrals gets the blog candy. If you could go visit her blog here leave her a comment and let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you I would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks to everyone in advance for letting her know that I sent you. Then for extra chances of your own go post it on your blog and try to get your followers to let her know that you sent them. Good luck to everyone. Oh, be sure to check back on her blog every single day for 7 days for a chance to win some blog candy!!
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. We are going to some open houses today. You are probably thinking "why look at houses when you are building?" Well the reason is because we have been looking at a few houses and the prices have really dropped and we want to make the right decision for our family. Some of these houses are really huge for the price. Most likely we are going to build but you just never know! Talk to you all later today sometime!!
Thanks again for letting Scrapper In The Making know that Two Pink Peas sent you!! You all are the BEST followers in the whole blogging world!!! :o) ~Terri
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. We are going to some open houses today. You are probably thinking "why look at houses when you are building?" Well the reason is because we have been looking at a few houses and the prices have really dropped and we want to make the right decision for our family. Some of these houses are really huge for the price. Most likely we are going to build but you just never know! Talk to you all later today sometime!!
Thanks again for letting Scrapper In The Making know that Two Pink Peas sent you!! You all are the BEST followers in the whole blogging world!!! :o) ~Terri
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